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The best jokes and joke writers!

Bean Soup

Q: Why should you only put 239 beans in bean soup?

A: Cuz one more will make it "too farty!"

Toilet Seat

Q: How many men does it take to put down a toilet seat?

A: Who knows - it's never been done.

Cannibal (N.)

Someone who is fed up with people.


Q: How can a man tell when his sperm count is elevated?

A: His girlfriend has to chew before she swallows.

Where's My Cookie

Last year, a guy went to a doctor because he was losing weight. He found out he had a tapeworm, and was instructed by the doctor to bring a muffin, a Twinkie, and a cookie with him on his next visit. When he was being examined at the next visit, the doctor shoved the muffin, the Twinkie, and the cookie up the guy's ass. The patient protested, but the doctor calmed him down, saying it was part of the therapy. This treatment continued for several weeks and every time the doctor shoved a muffin, a Twinkie, and a cookie up his ass. Finally, after many visits, the Doctor instructed the patient to bring a muffin, a Twinkie, and a mallet for the next visit. The day arrived and this time the doctor shoved only the muffin and the Twinkie up the patient's ass. After a few minutes the tapeworm appeared out of his asshole and demanded, "Where's my cookie!?" WHAM!