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The best jokes and joke writers!

Poop Jokes

Poop jokes aren’t my favorite jokes.

But they’re a solid number two.

Bubble Baths

Q: How does a man take a bubble bath?

A: He eats beans for dinner.

Yo Mama - Farting

Yo' Mama is so poor, when she farts, her holey underwear whistles.


Q: Why do farts smell?

A: So deaf people can enjoy them too.

Left And Right

Once upon a time there was an elderly gentleman who was suffering from Alzheimer's. His wife of 40 years loved him very much, but she couldn't handle him any longer. He would wonder about never knowing where he was or sometimes even who he was. She took him to a nursing home. At the nursing home, while the wife was filling out paperwork, a nurse had the gentleman sit in a chair. Suddenly the man starting slowly leaning to his left. The nurse ran over and put a pillow on his left side to prop him up. A few minutes later, he started leaning to his right. Again, the nurse ran over and put a pillow on his right side. Then he starting leaning forward. This time, the nurse strapped him into the chair. About this time, his wife, having completed the paperwork, walked up to him and asked, "How do you like the place?" "It's okay," he said. "But, they won't let me fart!"