Gross Jokes


Q: What's the difference between a girl and a toilet?
A: A toilet doesn't want to cuddle after you drop a load into it.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Constipated Indian Chief

One day there was an indian chief who was constipated. He sent one of his warriors to the witch doctor to get some medicine. The warrior says "big chief, no shit". The doctor gave him 1 pill and told him that the chief should be fine tomorrow. The warrior went back to the chief and gave him the pill. The next morning the warrior was sent back to the witch doctor and says "big chief, no shit". The doctor gives him five pills and tells him to give them to the chief. The next day the warrior appears at the witch doctor's house yet again saying "big chief, no shit". The doctor gets annoyed and so gives the warrior the whole bottle of pills to give to the chief. The next day the warrior goes back to the witch doctor "Big shit, no chief".

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Bean Soup

Q: Why should you only put 239 beans in bean soup?
A: Cuz one more will make it "too farty!"
