Holiday Jokes - Halloween Jokes

Crying Ghost

Q: What does a crying ghost say?
A: Boo-Hoo

Copyright © 2014 - Juliana Palmcook - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
Submitted BY: Juliana Palmcook

Bar Ghost

Q: Why did the ghost go into the bar?
A: For the boos.


Spooky Love

There is an old colonial cemetery where the grave markers are flat.  A man and woman sneak in there one night after a Halloween party to make love.  The next day the woman is complaining of a terrible back ache, so she goes to see her doctor.  The doctor asks her to put on a gown and examines her back but finds nothing wrong.  He asks her how old she is, and she says 28.  The doctor says that's interesting because it says on your ass that you died in 1784.
