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The best jokes and joke writers!

Armstrong Out

Buzz Aldrin commented on how he felt being the second man on the moon. "Well" he said, "It could have been anyone. Right up until we landed, we hadn't decided who would be first out the door. Then, once we touched down, Neil suggested we toss for it." "And he won?" I said. "Well, no" he mumbled. "The moon has low gravity so and the coin was still in the air when Neil jumped down the ladder. The twat."

Yo Mama - Bill Gates

Yo' Mama is so stupid, she thinks Bill Gates is another name for toll booths.

Caitlyn Jenner Outrage

I hate when people say my skirt looks slutty

Like, who cares if my balls hang out a little?

Yogi Bear

Q: Why is there only one Yogi Bear?

A:  Because when they tried to make another one, they made a Boo-Boo.

Hot Tongue

Q: Why did the hipster burn his tongue?

A: Because he drank his Latte before it was cool.