Bar Jokes

Spooky Drive

Happy and on the way home from the Halloween party, I said to myself, “Don, everything is coming your way!”
Just then I realized that I was in the wrong lane.


Bar Celebrating

Tim Shandy stepped into the Warm Spoon, a popular Galway tavern. To Mike Callahan, the bartender, Shandy said "Mike, I'll be havin' three whiskeys." Callahan set up three glasses and began to pour. "Now, Timothy, it's not the usual thing for you to ask for three whiskeys. It's celebratin', you are." "Ahh, ye know me too well, Micheal, ye do. Truth, and I'm celebrating me first blow job." Callahan smiled benevolently and set a fourth glass on the bar. "Now, that's special," he said. "For an old customer like y'rself, here's a fourth on the house, so I may be sharin' your celebration with you." Shandy shook his head, and replied "'Tis verra kind of ye, Micheal, but I'm thinkin' if three won't get rid of the taste, four won't either."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Two People

Two people walk into a bar. The third one ducked.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.