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The best jokes and joke writers!

Little Red's Granny

Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandma's house and found her laying in bed. Little Red Riding Hood said, "Grandma, what big eyes you have!'' Grandma replied ''the better to see you with, my dear.'' Little Red Riding Hood told her "Grandma, what big ears you have!'' Grandma replied "the better to hear you with, my dear.'' Little Red Riding Hood told her "Grandma, what a big mouth you have!'' Grandma replied ''of course I do, have you seen Grandpa's dick?!"

Teeth Cleaning

A man went to the dentist to get his teeth checked. While he was sitting in the chair being examined, the dentist said to him, "Have you done oral sex lately?"

The man replied, "Why yes, I did this morning actually. How could you tell? Did you find a pubic hair stuck in my tooth?"

The dentist says, "No, not quite. You've got some shit on the end of your nose!"


A guy leaves his place at the bar to go have a piss. He comes back about 10 minutes later, sits down at the bar, muttering amd swearing very softly. The barkeep approaches the customer and asks what the problem is.

"Oh some son-uv-a-bitch snuck up behind me while I was at the urinal and put a gun to my head."

"Jesus Christ! What happened?"

"He told me to give him a blow job or he'd blow my brains out!"

"Yeah, then what?"

"Well you didn't hear a gun shot, did you?"

Cindarella Gets to the Ball

What did Cinderella do when she got to the ball?
She choked...

The Hunt

A guy tells his wife that she has three choices. She can either go hunting with him, give him a blowjob, or he can butt fuck her. The wife says, "I don't want to go hunting because its cold out, and I've never been butt fucked before, so I think I'll go with the blowjob. "So she's down there doing her thing and suddenly she says, "your dick tastes like shit! "The guy says, "yeah, the dog didn't want to go hunting either."