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The best jokes and joke writers!

Fairy Tales

Q: What's the difference between a black and a white fairy tale?

A: A white one starts off with "Once upon a time..." A black one starts off with, "Yo ass ain't gonna believe dis shit..."

White with Black

Q: What do you call a white guy with five black guys?

A: A basketball coach


Q: What do you call a white guy with 10 black guys?

A: Quarterback


Q: What do you call a white guy with 250 black guys?

A: Warden

Sleeping Bag

Q: What do you call two black men in a red sleeping bag?

A: A Kit Kat.

Mexican Difference

Q: What is the difference between a Mexican and a book?

A: A book has papers!

Comparing Sizes

Q: There is a white boy, a Mexican boy, and a black boy who are all in the fifth grade. Who has the biggest Johnson?

A: The black boy, because he's 18.