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The best jokes and joke writers!

Born Loser

Q: What's the definition of a born loser?

A: A stowaway on a kamikaze plane.

Two Fools Flying

Two morons stand on a cliff with their arms outstretched. One has some bungees lined up on each arm, the other has parrots lined up on his arms. After a couple of minutes, they both leap off the cliff and fall to the ground. Laying next to each other in intensive care at the hospital, one moron says to the other, "I don't think much of this bungee jumping. "The other moron replies, "Yeah, I'm not too keen on this paragliding either."

Being Insulting

How to be insulting when giving directions: Point with four fingers when they ask.

Little Mind

Don't let your mind wander too far. It is too little to go out alone!

Blonde's Tricycle

Q: How do you recognize a blonde's tricycle?

A: It's the one with the kickstand.