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The best jokes and joke writers!

Both Golf

"Honey, I have a confession to make,"  a guy told his bride. "I'm a golf nut. You'll never see me on weekends during golf season." "Well, dear," she murmured. "I have a confession to make too. I'm a hooker." "No big deal," replied the groom. "Just keep your head down and your left arm straight!"

God Help Me

A Nationals fan who spent nearly $2K for his ticket was running late and desperately trying to find a parking space for Game 5 at the stadium. He had already missed the first inning, so he prayed to God and said, "If you find a parking space for me I promise I'll never miss church again." Just then a car pulled out of a space right in front of him, and the guy said, "Never mind, I just found one."

Run Pete Run

Q: What did Pete Carroll say to the prostitute after the super bowl?

A: I'll pass.

Biggest Helmet

Q: Which football player wears the biggest helmet?

A: The one with the biggest head.