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The best jokes and joke writers!

Can't Quit Cold Turkey

A wife comes home unexpectedly one day and finds her husband in bed with a lady midget. Upset and furious over his actions, the woman screams, "You promised me two weeks ago that you would never cheat on me again!" Trying his best to calm her down, the husband turns to his wife and says, "Take it easy dear, can't you see I'm trying to taper off?"

Piss Your Girlfriend Off

Q: How do you piss your girlfriend off when your having sex?

A: Call her up

Cheating Signs

Q: How did Rihanna find out Chris Brown was cheating on her?

A: She found another woman's lipstick on his knuckles.

Red Silk Panties

After a few casual dates with one of his coworkers a young man decided to heat things up by having a pair of bright red silk panties delivered to her on the morning of Valentine's Day.  Anxious to find out what she thought of them, he met her that afternoon of at a local pub. Seeing her enter the establishment wearing a mini dress and high heels with gleeful smile across her face, his heart began to race. " Did you like the red silk panties I sent you for Valentine's Day," he asked anxiously? " Yes," she exclaimed with a squeal. "I couldn't wait to put them on." " Are you wearing them now," he asked almost swallowing his Adam's apple? Suddenly her once ecstatic face was replaced by a look of disturbed confusion. "Damn," she said, "I must have left them at my boyfriend's place." 


Mrs. Culpepper was almost in tears. "Oh Marie," she said to her maid, "I have reason to suspect that my husband is having an affair with his secretary." "I don't believe it for one minute!" Marie snapped. "You're just saying that to make me jealous!!!"