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The best jokes and joke writers!

Money for Wife's Operation

A guy is walking down the strip in Las Vegas, when a man walks up and says, "Sir, do you have a extra $20.00, my wife needs an operation that costs $1000.00. I have $980.00 and just need the last $20.00."  The guy thinks about it and asks the man, "How will I know that you aren't going to walk into that casino and gamble it away?"  The man replies, "No sir... I have money for gambling!"

Donation To The Preacher

After church service, a little boy tells the pastor that he is going to give him a lot of money when he grows up. "Well, thank you," the pastor replies, "but why?" "Because my daddy says you're one of the poorest preachers we've ever had!"

Yo Mama - Grocery Store

Yo mama is so poor, she only goes to the grocery store for free samples.

Yo Mama - Front Door

Yo mama is so poor, I walked in her front door and fell down the back steps.


You're so poor, your version of cable TV is to go outside, watch the police and call it "Cops."