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The best jokes and joke writers!

A Gay Indian

Q: What do you call a gay Indian?

A: A brave sucker!

Native American Naming

A little Native American boy asks his chief how babies in their tribe get their names. The chief replies, "When a baby is born, the father takes him outside of the teepee, holds him over his head, and names him after the first thing he sees - like 'Running-Wolf' or 'Flying-Cloud'. Why do you ask, Two-Dogs-Screwing?"

Indian's Way of the Woods

There was an Indian chief who wanted to show his son the way of the woods. He gets on the ground and hears a noise.
"Buffalo come." "How do you know?" "Ground shaky." The boy wanted to try. He gets on the ground, listens. "Man come." "Is there a vibration?" "No." "Then how do you know?" "Ground sticky."

Ethnic Pick Up

A man sits next to a very attractive woman on an airplane. He asks her what kind of men she is interested in. Her top three choices are American Indian men, Jewish men and Southern men. The woman asks the man what his name is. He smiles, "Well, my name's Geronimo Bernstein, but my friends call me Bubba."

Native Customs

A Native American walks into a bar with a cat, a bag of shit and a shotgun. He asks for a bottle of whiskey and immediately downs it. He throws the bag of shit up in the air, shoots it with his shotgun, and takes a big bite of the cat's ass. The bartender asks, "Buddy, what the hell are you doing?" The Native American responds, "I want to be like the white man: get drunk, shoot the shit and eat pussy."