Appearance Jokes

Soldiers in Heaven

Little Willie asked his mother: "Mamma, don't soldiers ever go to heaven?"
"Of course they do!" protested his mother. "What makes you ask?"
"There are so many soldiers with beards but I never saw any pictures of angels with beards."
"Oh, that's because most men who go to Heaven get there by a close shave."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Guy With a Little Head

This guy with a really small head walks into a bar. The bartender asks him, "Why is your head so small?" He replies, "I was stuck on this island and there was nothing but beautiful women there who had never seen a man before. So I had sex with all of them. Their leader, who was the most beautiful of all, had the power to grant anybody who pleased her people one wish, and she said I could have that wish. So I asked her to have sex with me. she said she would grant me anything but that, so I said, "Would a little head be out of the question?"


Five Legs

Q: Did you hear about the woman who has five legs?
A: Her knickers fit her like a glove!

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.