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The best jokes and joke writers!

Job Interview

A mathematician, an accountant and an economist apply for the same job. The interviewer calls in the mathematician and asks "What does two plus two equal?" The mathematician replies "Four." The interviewer asks "Four, exactly?" The mathematician looks at the interviewer incredulously and says "Yes, four, exactly." Then the interviewer calls in the accountant and asks the same question "What does two plus two equal?" The accountant says "On average, four - give or take ten percent, but on average, four." Then the interviewer calls in the economist and poses the same question "What does two plus two equal?" The economist gets up, locks the door, closes the shade, sits down next to the interviewer and says "What do you want it to equal?"

Who's Working?

The population of this country is 237 million. 104 million are retired. That leaves 133 million to do the work. There are 85 million in school, which leave 48 million to do the work. Of this there are 29 million employed by the federal government. And since we KNOW they don't do a damn thing, this leaves 19 million to do the work. Four million are in the Armed Forces (i.e. let's soak up more tax dollars while we play "Doom"), which leaves 15 million to do the work. Take from the total the 14,800,000 people who work for State and City Government and that leaves 200,000 to do the work. There are 188,000 in hospitals, so that leaves 12,000 to do the work. Now, there are 11,998 people in Prisons. That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me. And you're sitting there reading jokes on jokerz.com. No wonder I'm tired; I'm the doing ALL of the work myself!

UPS Love

The following is supposedly a true story. To be included, besides being true, the story is most likely strange, weird, surprising, or funny.

A normally sweet Great Dane named Monster has one quirk: she hates United Parcel Service drivers. While walking Monster one day, around the corner of a house came a UPS man. Struggling to keep hold of Monster, the owner tried to ease the situation said, "As you can see, she just loves UPS men." "Don't you feed her anything else?" he responded.

Business One Liners

  • If you are asked to join a parade, don't march behind the elephants.
  • If you are coasting, you're going downhill.
  • If you are feeling good, don't worry. You'll get over it.
  • If you are given two contradictory orders, obey them both.
  • If you are not the lead dog, the scenery never changes.
  • If you are running for a short line, it suddenly becomes a long line.
  • If you are worried about being crazy, don't be overly concerned. If you were, you would think you were sane.
  • If you can smile when things go wrong, you must have someone to blame.
  • If you cannot convince them, confuse them. 
  • If you cannot dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with lies.

Barber Arrested

The local barber got arrested for selling cocaine. This really surprised me as I've been a customer for years and never knew he was a barber.