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The best jokes and joke writers!

Date Creep

Man: To make a woman laugh is the second best method to get her to sleep with you.

Woman: And what is the best method?

Man: Chloroform.

Woman: You are funny!

Man: Good choice.

Paradox of Woman

  • If you kiss her, you are not a gentleman. If you don't, you are not a man.
  • If you praise her, she thinks you are lying. If you don't, you are good for nothing.
  • If you agree to all her likes, she is abused. If you don't, you are not understanding.
  • If you make romance, you are an 'experienced man'. If you don't, you are half a man.
  • If you visit her too often, she thinks it is boring. If you don't, she accuses you of double crossing.
  • If you are well-dressed, she says you are a playboy. If you aren't, you are a dull boy.
  • If you are jealous, she says it's bad. If you aren't, she thinks you do not love her.
  • If you attempt a romance, she says you didn't respect her. If you don't, she thinks you do not like her.
  • If you are a minute late, she complains it is hard to wait. If she is late, she says that's a girl's way.
  • If you visit another, she accuses you of being a heel. If she is visited by another, 'oh it's natural, we are girls'.
  • If you kiss her once in a while, she professes you are cold. If you kiss her too many, she yells that you are taking advantage.
  • If you fail to help her in crossing the street, you lack ethics. If you do, she thinks it's just one of the man's tactics.
  • If you stare at others, she accuses you of flirting. If she is stared by others, she says that they are just admiring.
  • If you talk, she wants you to listen. If you listen, she wants you to talk.

Alabama Girl

A girl from Alabama asked me if I found her attractive.

I said, "You've got a face only a brother could love."

Marriage Not

Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess, "Will you marry me?" The Princess immediately said, "No!" And the Prince lived happily ever after, and rode motorcycles and dated thin, long-legged, full-breasted women and hunted and fished and raced cars, and went to titty bars and dated ladies half his age and drank whiskey, beer, and Captain Morgan, and never heard bitching and never paid child support or alimony, and dated cheerleaders and kept his house and guns, and ate spam and potato chips and beans, and blew enormous farts, and never got cheated on while he was at work, and all his friends and family thought he was friggin' cool as hell, and he had tons of money in the bank, and left the toilet seat up. The End.

Girlfriend 1.0 Software

Last year, my friend upgraded his GirlFriend 3.1 to GirlFriendPlus1.0 (marketing name: Fiancee1.0). Recently he upgraded Fiancee 1.0 to Wife 1.0, and it's a memory hogger! It has taken all his space; and Wife 1.0 must be running before he can do anything. Although he didn't ask for them, Wife 1.0 came with Plug-Ins such as MotherInLaw and BrotherInLaw. These too, slow down the system and cause a slow drain on the resources and well-being of the computer. Some features I'd like to see in the upcoming GirlFriend 4.0:

1. A "Don't remind me again" button.

2. Minimize button.

3. Shutdown feature - An install shield feature so that Girlfriend 4.0 can be completely uninstalled if so desired (so you don't lose cache and other objects). I tried running Girlfriend 2.0 with Girlfriend 1.0 still installed; they tried using the same I/O port and conflicted. Then I tried to uninstall Girlfriend 1.0, but it didn't have an uninstall program. I tried to uninstall it by hand, but it put files in my system directory. Another thing that sucks -- in all versions of Girlfriend that I've used is that it is totally "object orientated" and only supports hardware with gold plated contacts. Bug warning Wife 1.0 has an undocumented bug. If you try to install Mistress 1.1 before uninstalling Wife 1.0, Wife 1.0 will delete MSMoney files before doing the uninstall itself. Then Mistress 1.1 will refuse to install, claiming insufficient resources.