Relationship Jokes

Less Sex

A woman goes to her doctor complaining that she is exhausted all the time. After the diagnostic tests showed nothing, the doctor gets around to asking her how often she has intercourse. "Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday," she says. The doctor advises her to cut out Wednesday.  "I can't," says the woman. "That's the only night I'm home with my husband!"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Don't Take Chances

A man receives a letter informing him about his mother-in-law's death. It also asks whether she should be buried or burnt. He replies, "Don't take chances. Burn the body and bury the ashes."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Clinton Surprise

Hillary Clinton goes in for her annual gynecological exam. The doctor tells her she's pregnant. Hillary realizes this will eliminate her chance to run for president and storms out of the office to call Bill. "You got me pregnant! How could you be so careless?" After a moment of stunned silence, Bill says, "Who is this?"
