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The best jokes and joke writers!

St. Patrick's Day

Q: What's the difference between St. Patrick's Day and Martin Luther King Day?

A: On St. Patrick's Day everyone wishes they were Irish.

Quick Lesson

A young black boy goes into the kitchen where his mother is baking. He puts his hands in the flour and coats his face with it. He looks at his mother and says, "Look Momma, I'm a white boy." His mother slaps him hard on the face and says, "Boy, go show your Daddy." The boy goes into the living room and says "Look Daddy, I'm a white boy." His Daddy slaps him on the face too and says, "Boy, go show your grandmother." So the boy goes to see his grandma and says, "Look Granny, I'm a white boy." She slaps him on the face and sends him back to his mother. His mother says, "Well, did you learn something from all this?" The boy shakes his head and says, "I sure 'nuff did, I've only been a white boy for five minutes and I already hate you black people".

Mexican Card Games

Q: Why can't Mexicans play Uno?

A: They always steal the green cards.

Asian Pet Store

Q: What's the problem with an Asian pet store?

A: There's always a kitchen in the back!

Biology Test

Failed my biology test today...

They asked, "What is commonly found in cells?" Apparently "black people" wasn't the correct answer.