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The best jokes and joke writers!

Successful Operation

One Polish surgeon asks another: "How did the operation go?" "The operation was a success, but the patient died!"


Q: How do you keep a Polack in suspense?

Polish Invention

Q: Did you hear about the latest Polish invention?

A: It's a solar-powered flashlight.

Polish Women and Vibrators

Q: Why don't polish women use vibrators?

A: It chips their teeth.

Three Men on Death Row

There were three men on death row, a Brit, an American, and a Pollock. They are all set to be put in the electric chair. The Brit gets strapped up first. The executioner asks if he's got any last words to say. The Brit says, "God bless the Queen and England." The executioner proceeds to the switch, but nothing happens. The executioner tells the Brit, that he'll come back for him. He then goes to the chair where the American is strapped down and asks for his last words. The Americian says, "God bless America." The executioner pulls the switch, but again nothing happens. The executioner tells the American to sit tight because he'll be back for him. He then walks over to the Pollock strapped in the seat and asks for his last words. The Pollock replies, "Yes, you forgot to plug the damn thing up, idiot!