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The best jokes and joke writers!

Yo Mama - Quarter Roll

Yo mama so fat she rolled over 4 quarters and it made a dollar!

Who's the Boss?

The external organs of a body were fighting over who should be boss.

The brain said, "I should be boss, since I control what the person thinks."

The hands said, "I should be boss because I do almost everything for the person."

The legs declared, "I should be boss since I carry the body and all the weight is on me."

So they went on, each stating their qualities and uses.Then the Asshole spoke up, "I think I should be boss, because.."

He had not finished when everyone else started laughing at him.

"You, an asshole, be the boss? You gotta be kidding!"

The asshole was very unhappy, and he closed himself up.The body soon suffered a terrible constipation, and the organs could not take it anymore.

"Ok, ok, you're the boss!" They gave in. So the asshole became the boss of the body.

The moral of the story: You don't need brains to be a boss, you just need to be an asshole.

Yo Mama - Lipstick

Yo mama so fat, she puts on lipstick with a paint roller.

Midget Soccer

Q: Why do midgets laugh when they play soccer?

A: Because the grass tickles their balls!


Q: What do you call lice on a bald man's head?
A: Homeless.