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The best jokes and joke writers!

Collie Report

At the end of the day, a border collie reported back to the grazier, "All fifty sheep accounted for, boss!"

"Wait, I only have 48 sheep!" he replied.

"I know," said the dog, "but I rounded them up."


Q: What do you call a sheep with no legs or head?

A: A cloud!

Sex With Sheep

Q: Why do New Zealanders have sex with sheep on the edge of mountains?

A: So they push back harder.

Mary Had

Mary had a little sheep, with this sheep, she went to sleep. The sheep turned out to be a ram, and Mary had a little lamb.

Heart Transplant

A man needing a heart transplant is told by his doctor that the only heart available is that of a sheep. The man finally agrees and the doctor transplants the sheep heart into the man. A few days after the operation, the man comes in for a checkup. The doctor asks him "How are you feeling?" The man replies, "Not BAAAAD!"