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The best jokes and joke writers!

Sideline Coach

A junior soccer team is playing a match one Sunday. Just before the kick-off the team coach approaches one of his young players. “Do you understand that you mustn’t swear at the ref if he gives you a card and you mustn’t attack an opponent if he fouls you?” “Yes,” replies the boy. “Good,” says the coach. “Now go and explain that to your mother.”

Passing to Myself

Come on, I'm getting tired of passing to myself. Goooaaalll!

Party On

Had a three day party to celebrate the greatest player in the world.

It was Messi.

Soccer Pick Up

I'd like to dribble on your field. Goooaaalll!

David Beckham

Q: What's the best way to travel to the moon?

A: Transform yourself into a ball and get David Beckham to take a penalty shot!