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The best jokes and joke writers!

Yo Momma - Birth

Yo mama so stupid, she gave birth to you and asked the doctor if you were hers!

Yo Mama - IHOP

Yo momma so stupid she thought IHOP was a pogo stick made by Apple!

Complete Stupid

I know you're not as stupid as you look. Nobody could be!

14 Things to do While Taking a Driver's Test

14 Things to do While Taking a Driver's Test

  1. Turn the radio on. When the tester goes to turn it off slap his/her hand.
  2. Rev the car really high, turn to the tester, and say with an evil look, "Buckle up!"
  3. Come dressed in a suit. Before the examiner gets in the car, ask him/her to put a piece of saran wrap down so he doesn't dirty the seat.
  4. When the examiner tells you to stop, pop the clutch and say, "Oops".
  5. Get in the car, look down at the pedals, and say, "Now which one is the gas again?"
  6. After the examiner gets in the car, pop the hood, and get out and check the oil.
  7. Fill your car with beer bottles.
  8. The whole time driving, talk about how Aunt Gertrude smells like mothballs.
  9. Tell the Registrar that you are taking the remedial test.
  10. In the middle of driving, put your arm around the examiner.
  11. Swear at everybody on the road.
  12. When you stop at a light, start revving the engine while looking back and forth between the person next to you and the light.
  13. Beep your horn at everything.
  14. Break off your rear-view mirror and then ask the examiner to hold it up.

Yo Mama - Dunkin

Yo mama so stupid, she thought "Dunkin' Donuts" was a basketball team.