Holiday Jokes - Christmas Jokes

Santa Love

Q: What did Santa Claus say the night he first met his future wife?
A: Yes, that is a candy cane in my pocket, and I am glad to meet you.

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Snow Friend

Q: Why are snowmen good at meeting people at parties?
A: They know how to break the ice.


Gift of Her Choosing

Three men discuss the Christmas presents they bought for their wives. The first man says that he bought his wife a vacation home in the Bahamas and one in Jamaica. "That way," he explains, "if she doesn't like one, she can use the other." The second man says he had bought his wife a sports car and a limo for exactly the same reason. The third man says, "I bought my wife a negligee and a vibrator. That way, if she doesn't like the negligee, she can go screw herself."
