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The best jokes and joke writers!

Area 51

You've all heard of the Air Force's ultra-high-security, super-secret base in Nevada, known simply as "Area 51?" Well, late one afternoon, the Air Force folks out at Area 51 were very surprised to see a Cessna landing at their "secret" base. They immediately impounded the aircraft and hauled the pilot into an interrogation room. The pilot's story was that he took off from Vegas, got lost, and spotted the base just as he was about to run out of fuel. The Air Force started a full FBI background check on the pilot and held him overnight during the investigation. By the next day, they were finally convinced that the pilot really was lost and wasn't a spy. They gassed up his airplane, gave him a terrifying "you-did-not-see-a-base" briefing, complete with threats of spending the rest of his life in prison, told him Vegas was that-a-way on such-and-such a heading, and sent him on his way. The day after that though, to the total disbelief of the Air Force, the same Cessna showed up again. Once again, the MP's surrounded the plane...only this time there were two people in the plane. The same pilot jumped out and said, "Do anything you want to me, but my wife is in the plane and you have to tell her where I was last night!" 


My friend came back from Las Vegas. He told me the slot machines are easy to win big at. He went there in a $20,000 Nissan, left in a $360,000 Porsche.

I thought, "Nice, I'm going to get in on that." So I left for Vegas in my $30,000 Toyota. Came back in a $465,000 vehicle.

A Greyhound bus.

Vegas Sapp

Q: Why did Warren Sapp pay more than $600 to a couple of Vegas hookers for a blow job?

A: Because sapsuckers are a rare and endangered species.

Go to Las Vegas

There's a guy who lives in Ohio. One morning, he hears a voice in his head. The voice says, ''Quit your job, sell your house, take all your money, and go to Las Vegas.'' He ignores the voice. Later in the day, he hears the voice again. ''Quit your job, sell your house, take all your money, and go to Las Vegas.'' Again, he ignores the voice. Soon he hears the voice every minute of the day. ''Quit your job, sell your house, take all your money, and move to Las Vegas.'' He can't take it anymore. He believes the voice. He quits his job, sells his house, takes all his money, and flies to Las Vegas. As soon as he steps off the plane, the voice says, ''Go to Caesar's Palace.'' He goes to Caesar's Palace and the voice says, ''Make your way to the roulette tables.'' He goes to the roulette tables and the voice says, ''Put all your money on red 23.'' He puts all his money on red 23. The dealer spins the wheel. It comes up black 17.
The voice says, ''Fuck.''

Nevada Crazy Law

  • It's still "legal" to hang someone for shooting your dog on your property.
  • It is illegal to drive a camel on the highway.
  • Clark County - An ordinance makes bringing a concealable fire arm into the county illegal unless it is registered with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
  • In order to register a handgun, however, it must be brought in to the police station.
  • Furthermore, you may not register a gun on the weekends, but the police may prosecute you at that time.
  • Elko - Everyone walking the streets is required to wear a mask.
  • Eureka - Men who wear mustaches are forbidden from kissing women.
  • Nyala - A man is forbidden from buying drinks for more than three people other than himself at any one period during the day.