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The best jokes and joke writers!

Tennis Ball

While out one morning in the park, a jogger found a brand new tennis ball. Seeing no one around that it might belong to, he slipped it into the pocket of his shorts. Later, on his way home, he stopped at the pedestrian crossing, waiting for the lights to change. A girl standing next to him eyed the large bulge in his shorts. "What's that?" she asked, her eyes gleaming with lust. "Tennis ball," came the breathless reply. "Oh," said the girl sympathetically, "that must be painful. I had tennis elbow once."

Quiet Tennis

Q: How do you play quiet tennis?

A: It's like regular tennis but without the racket.

Tennis Wisdom

Marry not a tennis player. For love means nothing to them.

It's All In The Grip

A lady goes in to take a tennis lesson, and the instructor notices she is using the wrong grip. After several failed attempts to correct her, he finally says "OK,, just grip it like you do your husband's member". After that, she immediately rips a couple of top spin winners down the line. The instructor says, "Wow that's great. Now just try taking the racquet out of your mouth."

Elephant Tennis

Q: What do you call an elephant that lies across the middle of a tennis court?

A: Annette!