Sex Jokes - Masturbation Jokes

JokerZ offers a HUGE collection of funny dirty jokes. Check out our professionally curated categories for hilarious adult jokes and sex jokes. Set your filter on Risque and Uncensored to browse dirty knock-knock jokes, inappropriate jokes and one liners from professional joke writers. Over 3000 of the best dirty jokes will have you ROFL. Share jokes anonymously with friends or post on social sites.

S & M

My wife and I are into S & M she sleeps and I masturbate.

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Subtle and Discreet

Drinking gets you in many unpredictable positions. Has your wife or girlfriend ever caught you passed out, sitting on the couch, with your pants around your ankles while you have a kung fu grip on your penis, like you're giving her the thumbs up on marrying such a subtle and discreet man? Well, that wasn't the embarrassing thing about it. The porn on demand had ended, and the previous channel that had popped up was blaring, "Do-Da Dora, Do-Da Dora!"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Who Needs Women?

A man walks into the bar and orders two shots of whiskey, drinks one, and pours the other shot in his hand. He does this 3 times before the bartender finally asks him, "Why is it you drink one shot and pour the other in your hand." The man replies, "I'm getting my girl friend drunk!"

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