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The best jokes and joke writers!

Dr. Wong

A woman goes to a doctor named Dr. Wong. "Doctor, I can't get a date, no one will go out with me!"  In a very thick Asian accent, Dr. Wong says, "Take off clothes and get on all four hands and knees." She does. "Now crawl to wall." She does so and looks back at him. "I know what wrong." “What is it Doctor! What do I have?" "You have Ed Zachary disease." "Ed Zachary disease? What is that?!" "You face look Ed Zachary like you ass!"

Black and Asian Penis Sizes

The myth about blacks having big penises is true. And Asians have small eyes because you have to squint to see their penis.

Filipino Pilots

Q: What do you call two Filipino pilots?

A: A pair of pliers.

Asian Pet Store

Q: What's the problem with an Asian pet store?

A: There's always a kitchen in the back!