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The best jokes and joke writers!

Elevator V Mexican

Q: What is the difference between a Mexican and an Elevator?

A: The elevator can raise a child.

Black Canadian

Q: How come the Black population of Windsor Ontario never changes?

A: Because when the baby is born the father moves back to Detroit.

Jewish Genie

This black guy is walking along a beach when he looks down a sees an antique lamp. Thinking that he'll get enough money for another vial of crack, he takes the lamp home and starts to clean it. He starts rubbing the lamp, when all of a sudden a Jewish genie appears, and being a Jewish genie, he say's to the black man that he has two wishes. The black guy thinks for a couple of seconds, and quickly says:, "I want to be white and surrounded by cunt. "In an instant he is turned into a tampon. Now the morale of this story is: Don't ever expect anything from a Jew without strings attached.

Black Martian

Q: What will the first black child on Mars be named?

A: Mar'Shawn

Mexican Mosh Pit

Q: What do you call a bunch of Mexicans in a mosh pit?

A: A bean dip.