Insult Jokes - Stupid Insults

Yo Mama - Directions

Yo mama is so stupid, she jumped off a cliff and stopped for directions.


Blonde M&Ms;

I knew a blonde that was so stupid that she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Stupid Insults

  • All booster, no payload.
  • All crown, no filling.
  • All foam, no beer.
  • All hammer, no nail.
  • All hat and no cattle.
  • All he remembers about his middle name is the first letter.
  • All his eggs in the same basket.
  • All his learning curves look like Mount Everest.
  • All icing, no cake.
  • All lime and salt, no tequila.
  • All missile, no warhead.
  • All of his bytes are odd.
  • All shot, no powder.
  • All the lights don't shine in her marquee.
  • All the personality of linoleum flooring / plasticene / putty / caulking / saran wrap / a bowl of oatmeal / a plastic spoon.
  • All wax and no wick.
  • Alphabetizes junk mail / T-shirts / canonical lists.
  • Always in the right place, but at the wrong time.
  • Always loses battles of wits because he's unarmed.
    Always needs to have jokes explained.
  • Always sharpening his sleeping skills.
  • An 8080 in a 68000 environment.
  • An alligator.
  • All mouth, no ears.
  • An Apple //e on UUCP.
  • An early example of the Peter Principle.
  • An ego like a black hole.
  • An example of how the dinosaurs survived for millions of years with walnut sized brains.
  • An experiment in Artificial Stupidity.
  • An expert on the historical significance of cottage cheese.
  • An inch short and a stroke early.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.