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The best jokes and joke writers!

Is This Seat Empty?

Man: Is this seat empty?
Woman: Yes, and this one will be too if you sit down.

Two Chapters

Two chapters short of a novel.

Yo Mama - Marriage

Yo mama so poor, she got married for the rice.


I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception!

Stupid Insults ... More

  • Operating in stand-by mode.
  • Ought to have a warning label on his forehead.
  • Out there where the buses don't run.
  • Outlet isn't grounded.
  • Over the rainbow.
  • Overdue for reincarnation.
  • Overruns above 110 baud.
  • Paged/swapped out.
  • Paralyzed from the neck up.
  • Parents beat him with an ugly stick.
  • Parked his head and forgot where he left it.
  • Pedaling real fast, but not getting anywhere.
  • People around her are at risk of second hand idiocy.
  • Perfect chassis, bad driver.
  • Perfect face for Halloween.
  • Perfect percussionist for an acapella group (duh, duh, duh...)
  • Perfect training subject for apprentice hypnotists.
  • Permanently out to lunch.
  • Permanently rotated 90 degrees from the rest of us.
  • Phototrophic on a better day.
  • Pins 2 and 3 (RS-232) permanently connected to ground.
  • Playing an endgame with a king and no other pieces.
  • Playing baseball with a rubber bat.
  • Playing hockey with a warped puck.
  • Playing Scrabble, but we can't figure out what words he's building.
  • Plays pinochle with a poker deck.
  • Plays solitaire... for cash.
  • Plays tennis with no net and finds it challenging.
  • Plenty of myelin but not enough neurons.
  • Plenty of salt in the shaker, but no holes in the cap.