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The best jokes and joke writers!

Cock Fights

How can you tell if an Irishman is present at a cock fight? He enters a duck. How can you tell if a Pole is present? He bets money on the duck. How can you tell if an Italian is present? The duck wins.

Chicken Cross The Road Sexual Relations

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: BILL CLINTON: Let me say this one more time. I did not have sexual relations with that chicken.

Jail Time

Q: Why did the chicken get sent off?

A: For persistent fowl play!

Barbecuing Chicken

Little old Mr. Ravelli is on his front stoop, barbecuing a chicken on a manual rotisserie.

A drunk comes walking along and says, "Hey, man...the music stopped, and your monkey's on fire."

Chicken Stick

Q: If fruit grows on a fruit tree, then what does chicken grow on?

A: A Poul-try