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The best jokes and joke writers!

Drinking Code

A blonde, a brunette and a redhead walked into a bar.

The brunette said to the bartender "I'll have a B and C."

"What's a B and C?" asked the bartender.

"Bourbon and Coke," replied the brunette.

"I'll have a G and T," said the red head.

"What's a G and T?" asked the bartender.

"Gin and tonic." replied the red head.

"I'll have a15," said the blonde.

"What's a 15?" asked the bartender.

The blonde rolled her eyes and said,"Duh, a 7 and 7."

West Virginia Drinking

Q: Did you hear that they have raised the minimum drinking age in West Virginia to 32? 

A: It seems they want to keep alcohol out of the high schools!

Murphy the Drunk

"Young man," said the judge, looking sternly at the defendant. "It's alcohol and alcohol alone that's responsible for your present sorry state!" "I'm glad to hear you say that," replied Murphy, with a sigh of relief. "Everybody else says it's all my fault!"

Follow Directions

Two sailors are on shore leave. They have a few drinks and decide to go to a variety show. At the intermission one of them needs to pee and asks directions from the usher. “Go through the exit, turn left along the corridor, turn first right, then left, then right again,” he says. The sailor follows the directions with some difficulty, relieves himself, and eventually finds his way back to his seat. “You missed the best act,” says his friend. “While you were gone a sailor came on-stage and pissed into the orchestra pit.”

Saddam Drinking Out

Q: Why doesn't Saddam go out drinking?

A: Why should he when he can get bombed at home?