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The best jokes and joke writers!

Special Days

Yesterday was international women's equality day and international dog day.

What a great day for bitches.

KFC Hillary Clinton Bucket

The 'Kentucky Fried Chicken' franchise has a new Bucket of Chicken out. It's called the 'Hillary Clinton Bucket.' It contains two small breasts and two large thighs.

Young Immigrant Couple

The young immigrant couple had just left the courthouse after being sworn in as American citizens. "It is wonderful," the husband exclaimed. "We are American citizens at last! Do you know what this means to us my dear wife?" "Yes, you male chauvinist pig," his wife replied. "Tonight, you cook dinner and I get on top!"

Hot Topic

"Sam, you wanna hear a joke?"


"Women's Rights."


Q: What size underwear do Feminists wear?

A: Double Standard.