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The best jokes and joke writers!

Dumb Enough To Love

"God," said Adam, "Why did you make Eve so beautiful?" "So you would love her." "But why did you make her so dumb?" "So she would love you."

Fake Orgasms

Q: Why do women fake orgasms?

A: Because men fake foreplay.

Start Simple

Q: Why did God invent a man first?

A: He wanted to start with something simple.

Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley

Q: Why did Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley split up?

A: He wanted children and she didn't want to get a sex change.


A man has a car wreck and they have to amputate his brain. So the nurse takes him to the brain transplant warehouse. On one side of the shelves are lined with brains marked $500.00 each. On the other side the shelves are lined with brains marked $200.00 each. The brainless man asks why the price difference. The nurse points to the $200.00 brains and explains that these are female brains, so they've been used.