Ethnic / Country Jokes - Polish Jokes

Measurement of a Pole

An American is walking down the street when he sees a Polack with a very long pole and a yardstick. He's standing the pole on its end and trying to reach the top of it with his yardstick. Seeing the Polack's ignorance, the American wrenches the pole out of his hand, lays it on the sidewalk, measures it with the yardstick, and says, "There! 10 feet long." The Polack grabs the yardstick and shouts, "You idiot American! I don't care how long it is! I want to know how high it is!"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Lightbulb - Polacks

Q: How many Polacks does it take to screw in a light bulb.
A: 10. One to hold the lightbulb and 9 to spin the ladder around.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Polish Hunting Expedition

Two Polish guys went away on their annual hunting expedition, and by accident one was shot by the other. His worried companion got him out of the deep woods, into the car, and off to the nearest hospital. "Well, Doc," he inquired anxiously, "is he going to make it?" "It's tough," said the doctor. "He'd have a better chance if you hadn't gutted him first."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.