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The best jokes and joke writers!

Long Line

My girlfriend has asked if I want to go to karaoke. I've decided to do Whitney Houston's biggest hit. You know, that one she took in the bath. Anything to avoid having to go to karaoke.

Whitney Houston Ending on a High Note

After listening to some of Whitney Houston's last, raspy performances, it was pretty clear she didn't end her career on "high" note... or did she? The tox report is still pending.

George W - College Days

George W. Bush was talking to some of his advisers, and they were discussing spin control on his past drug problems. "Dubya," said his PR guy, "We've got to know, are the rumors true about your using cocaine in college." "It's true," replied Bush, "but it isn't my fault. My parents were rich, and I was born with a silver spoon in my nose."

Drug Events

Been a busy weekend. On Friday night I went to a lecture on mushrooms. Last night I saw Disney on Ice. Tonight I think I'll try the opera, on crack.

Whitney Houston's Funeral

Did you hear about Whitney Houston's funeral? The line leading to the coffin stretched into the street. A few people showed up too.