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The best jokes and joke writers!

Spelling Test into Heaven

A man came in to heaven and God wanted to go on a vacation so he asked the man to take over while he was away. God told the man to give everyone a test before letting them into heaven. God leaves and a man comes floating up and says, ''Please let me in to heaven.'' The other man says, ''I have to give you a test first.'' The man coming into heaven says, ''Oh jeez I'm not too good at tests!'' The other man says, ''Spell LOVE'' The man spells it, and he is let into heaven. Then a woman comes floating up and says, ''Please let me into heaven,'' and the man replies, ''Only if you pass this test.'' The woman says, ''Oh no, I'm not very good at tests.'' The man says, ''Your test is to spell LOVE.'' She spells it correctly, and is let into heaven. The next person that comes floating up is the man's wife. She says, ''Okay honey, let me in to heaven.'' The man says, ''I have to give everyone a test before I let them in to heaven.'' She says, ''Okay, make it an easy one!'' Then the man says, ''Spell Hemorrhoid.''

Hemorrhoids Misnamed

Why are hemorrhoids called "hemorrhoids" instead of "assteroids"?

You Get The Ring Back

Q: What`s the difference between engagement and hemorrhoids?

A: When the hemorrhoids are over you at least get the ring back.


Q: "How are your hemorrhoids?"

A: "Swell."

The Gross Hemorrhoid

Gross is having to tuck your hemorrhoid into your sock so you won't step on it when you walk!