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The best jokes and joke writers!

Dry Cow

Q: What do you call a cow who gives no milk?

A: A milk dud.

A Mother Cow

Q: What do you call a mother cow that lost her calf?

A: "Decafinated"

Transvestite Cow

Q: What do you call a transvestite cow?

A: A Dairy Queen.

Cow Manure Use

A little boy runs across this farmer who has a truckload of cow manure. The boy asks him what he is going to do with all that cow poop. The farmer tells the little boy, ''I'm taking it home to put on my strawberries.'' The little boy looks up at the farmer and says, ''I don't know where you come from, but where I come from we put cream and sugar on our strawberries.''

City Boy Visits Farm

A young boy from the city was staying on a farm with his uncle and aunt for the summer. One morning the aunt and uncle walked in the kitchen and the young man was drinking an extremely large glass of milk. The young man said "I took the liberty of milking your cow this morning!" He then continues and says "it took me a while to get her started up. She must be old and stubbly." The uncle says with a confused look " Um son we don't have a cow...We have a bull!"