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The best jokes and joke writers!

Postal Scare

I scared the postman today by showing up to the door completely naked. I'm not sure what scared him more, the fact that I was naked or that I knew where he lived

You've Got Mail

Q: What's the secret to telling a good postman joke?

A: It's all in the delivery

New Delivery

Q: What do you call a mailman who gets a sex change?

A: A post man

Good Holiday Deed

A worker in the post office is sorting through the mail when she sees a letter addressed to "God." She opens it up and finds a handwritten note from an old lady. The note says she desperately needs $200 dollars to pay her heating bills, and she has nowhere else to turn. She hoped God could figure out a way to send her the money. It’s getting close to holiday season, so the kind hearted postal worker decides to take up a collection. She ends up getting $150 and mails the cash to the lady. A few weeks later, there’s another letter addressed to God from the same old woman. The worker opens it up, and it says: "Dear God, Thank you so much for the money you sent. It helped me through a difficult time and I’m glad that I have faith. However, I received only $150. Those damn postal workers must have the other $50!"

Post Office Blues

Scientists have now found a way to slow down the speed of light...

They shine it through a post office.