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The best jokes and joke writers!

Smart Phone Trouble

My girlfriend texted me "helpmyspacebarbrokecanyoucomeoverandgivemeanalternative"

Anybody know what "ternative" means?


Q: Why does Siri sometimes respond with, 'Don't call me Shirley'?
A: Your iPhone is in Airplane mode.

Free iPhone6

Wrote a joke about those internet pop ups that tell you you've won a free iPhone6.

You won't get it


Google Maps

Call me childish, but beating the Google Maps estimated arrival time is an extreme sport for me

iPhone Trouble

March was when my son celebrated his 15th birthday and I got him an iPhone. He just loved it. Who wouldn't?

I celebrated my birthday in July and my wife made me very happy when she bought me an iPad. 

My daughter's birthday was in August so I got her an iPod Touch.

September came by, so for my wife’s birthday I bought her an iRon.

It was around then that the fight started. What my wife failed to recognize is that the iRon can be integrated into the home network with the iWash, iCook and iClean. This unfortunately activated the iBitch.

Which led me to the iHospital and iGet out Thursday.