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The best jokes and joke writers!

Lightening Strikes Twice

Q: How is lightning like a violist's fingers?

A: Neither one strikes in the same place twice.


Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then when you do criticize that person, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes.

Mommy's Little Helper

Little Susie was Mommy's helper. She helped set the table when company was due for dinner. Soon, everything was on, Mr. Smythe the guest came in, and everyone sat down. Then Mother noticed something was missing.... "Susie, dear," she said, "You didn't put a knife and fork at Mr. Smythe's place." "But, Mommy, I thought he wouldn't need them," explained Susie. "Daddy says he always eats like a horse!"

Yo Mama - Skanky

Yo mama is so skanky, when the waiter brought out her strip steak, she asked where to tuck the dollar bills.

NFL Blonde Vs Brunettes

Q What do you call two brunettes and a blonde in the NFL?

A  Two tight ends and a wide receiver!