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The best jokes and joke writers!

Horse Down

Q: What did the horse say when he fell?

A: I've fallen and I can't giddy up!

Bed Shoes

Q: What animal always goes to bed with its shoes on?

A: A horse!

Horse Sports

Q: What is a horse's favorite sport?

A: Stable tennis!

Day After Christmas

It's the day after Christmas and young Johnny rides his new bike up to a stop light where a policeman on his horse is waiting for the light to change. The policeman looks over at Johnny and says, "Got that bike for Christmas, sonny?" The youngster responds, proudly, "Ya, Santa brought it for me." The policeman then proceeds to write the young fellow a bicycle violation ticket for not having a reflector on the back bumper and hands it to him saying, "Well, next time you better tell him to put a light on it." Johnny looks at the citation, looks back up at the cop and says, "And did Santa bring you that horse?" Humoring the youngster, the policeman answers, "Why, yes, he did." To which Johnny responds, "Well, next time you better tell him to put the dick underneath the horse, not on top."

Sick Pony

Q: What did the veterinarian say when a pony came in complaining about a sore throat? 

A: I know what's wrong here; you're just a little hoarse!