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The best jokes and joke writers!

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My Jokes 54
Likes 532
My DisLikes 308
My Favorites 325

Crosley Fields Biography

Bill Dawes is an actor/comic/writer.

I grew up with two left feet and a tin ear.  At least that's what my mother, a dance instructor and piano teacher told me.  And what about the name you ask?  My father was a grounds keeper at an old baseball park in Cincinnati.  Our last name is Fields and, you guessed it, the name of the ballpark was Crosley Field.  My parents thought it would be funny to name me after it.  Sometimes I wonder if I was conceived there but all I get is a funny smile from my dad when I ask about it.   He did keep home plate when they tore the old stadium down - says he'll tell me about it someday.  I was the only kid with that name throughout my entire school life. Other kids made fun of me but  I kind of like it now.  Comedy, especially jokes, is something I've always loved.  Writing good jokes is hard work. I test them all out with my dog Uranus (my best buddy).  He's never complained about any joke I've written.  You be the judge!  I think you'll get a laugh with most of my jokes.  Every now and then I come up with a great one and that's what keeps me going.  Hope you enjoy my work! (Photo is of my dog, Uranus)