Telephone Jokes

Answering Machine - Beep Software

Prepare for alpha test of Beep Software revision 1.05. Counting down to test: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 


Answering Machine - Star Trek

(Star Trek theme in the background:) (Voice 1:) Room 17, the final frontier. (Voice 2:) These are the messages of Chad's answering machine. Its two semester mission: To seek out your name and your telephone number. (Voice 3:) To boldly inform you to wait for the tone.


Answering Machine - Flying Saucer

Steve has been captured by a flying saucer and can't come to the phone right now, but if you leave your name, phone number, and a message, I'll have him call you back as soon as he gets away. Read all about it in next week's National Enquirer.
