Ethnic / Country Jokes - Polish Jokes

Polack Meets Priest

A Polack saw a priest walking down the street. Noticing his collar, he stopped him and said, "Excuse me, but why are you wearing your shirt backwards?" The priest laughed, "Because, my son, I am a Father!" The Polack scratched his head. "But I am a father too, and I don't wear my shirt backwards!" Again the priest laughed. "But I am a Father of thousands!" To which the Polack replied, "Well then you should wear your shorts backwards!"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Polish Plane Landing

Polish Air Lines flight 113 was descending for a landing at an airport they had never been to before. The pilot looked out the windshield and suddenly exclaimed to the copilot, "Holy cow! Look how short the runway is! I've never seen one that short!" The copilot looked out the windshield. "Wow! you`re right! That`s incredible! Are you sure we can make it?" "Well we better, we 're almost out of fuel." So the captain got on the intercom and notified the passengers to put their heads between their knees and prepare for an emergency landing. Then he set the flaps to full down and slowed the plane to just over stall speed. The big jumbo jet came screaming in, on the ragged edge of control. The pilot`s hands were sweating, the copilot was praying. They touched down and came screeching to a halt JUST before the edge of the runway, the tires smoking. "WHEW! That was CLOSE!" yelled the captain. "That runway was SHORT!" "Yeah!" said the copilot, "and WIDE too!"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Polack Drinking Buddies

Chanowski and his other Polack drinking buddy are sitting at a bar.
" See those guys over there?" Chanowski says." I'm going over there and ask them what they think of Polacks."
Chanowki walks up to the two guys sitting at the other end of the bar and asks them what they think of Polacks. One of the men gives Chanowski the finger. The middle finger. Chanowski then walks back to his drinking buddy.
"Well, what do they think of Polacks?" his buddy asks.
"We're still number one."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.