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The best jokes and joke writers!

Bill Clinton's Decision

Q: Why did Bill Clinton have such a hard time deciding what to do with Elian Gonzalez?

A: The last time he decided where to put a Cuban he was almost impeached.

Cuban Olympic Swimmers

Q: Why are there no Cuban swimmers in the Olympics?

A: Cause all the Cubans who can swim are here already!

Cuban National Anthem

Q: What’s the Cuban national anthem?

A: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.”

Peanuts! Popcorn!

Fidel Castro was addressing a large audience in Cuba, and he began, "They accuse me of intervening in Angola..."  A man going through the audience called out, "Peanuts! Popcorn!"

Castro went on: "They say I’m intervening in Mozambique..." and the same loud voice shouted, "Peanuts! Popcorn!"  

Castro continued: "They say I’m intervening in Nicaragua..." and the voice yelled again, "Peanuts! Popcorn!"

By this time Castro was boiling mad and he sputtered, "Bring that man who is shouting 'Peanuts! Popcorn!' to me, and I’ll kick him all the way to Miami."

And everybody in the audience started shouting, "Peanuts! Popcorn!"