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The best jokes and joke writers!

Mutton Doc

Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I feel like a sheep. 

Doctor: That's baaad!

500 Girlfriends

Q: What do you call a villager with 500 girlfriends?

A: A shepherd.

Cowboy Lovin

A group of cowboys were branding some cattle. While they were out the cook saw a sheep tied to a post. Thinking it was for that nights dinner, he cooked it. That night after dinner the cowboys were all sulking and ignoring the cook. The cook pulled a cowboy aside and asked, "Did I screw up the cooking..." "No", the cowboy replied, "You cooked up the screwing."

Herder On Trial

The strident prosecutor begins: ''Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the State will prove that this defendant did in fact discard his breeches and insert his member into the innocent sheep; that he did ejaculate into said sheep and remove his member, whereupon this sheep turned around and licked his member clean.'' Then one member of the jury turned and whispered to the other juror and said, ''The good ones will do that you know."

Welsh Shagging Sheep

Q: Why do the Welsh shag sheep on cliff edges?

A: So the sheep push back harder!