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The best jokes and joke writers!

Appear on Television

The following is supposedly a true story. To be included, besides being true, the story is most likely strange, weird, surprising, or funny.

Wednesday, October 21, 1992 In July, Danny Fouts, his wife and her sister, while in New York City to appear on the "Sally Jessy Raphael" show to discuss their arrest for shoplifting their wedding supplies on their wedding day in March, were arrested for stealing from the New York Ramada Hotel the TV show had booked them in for their stay.

New Miranda Rights

  1. You have the right to remain motionless, or you may elect to run away from me.
  2. Should you decide to run, I shall direct my K-9 to chase you down to the ends of the earth.
  3. You have the right to have your lawyer run with you. Should he refuse, a recent Law School graduate will be appointed by the court to jog along with you.
  4. If while running, you suddenly decide to end the race, beware that my K-9 may or may not understand your intentions, and may continue his pursuit of you in full stride.
  5. You may stop running at any time, at your own risk.
  6. Good luck. On your mark, get set....GO!!!!!

Say Again?

A numbers mob was looking for a runner to pick up betting cash in a new location (A very rich area - Expected around $200,000 in cash daily). A man was chosen but never showed up with the cash. Mr. Big asked the guy in charge of finding the runner, "Where is my money?" The man replied that he didn't know and said that he would find him. The man located the new runner and brought him to Mr. Big's office. Mr. Big said, "Where the fuck is my money?"  The runner looked puzzled and started talking in sign language. Mr. Big said, "What the fuck is this?"

The man in charge of hiring the runner explained that he was deaf and dumb and was the only person that he could find to take the job.

Mr. Big said, "Do you know how to read sign language?"

The man said, " No, but I'll find someone who can."  He comes back with a female interpreter and Mr. Big asks her to ask the runner where his money is. The girl starts asking him in sign language where his money is and the man replies back to her in the same.

"Well," says Mr. Big, "What did he say?"

She says, "He said, 'Fuck You!'"

Mr. Big replied, "You'd better ask him again, I hope he misunderstood you."

The girl asks him again, "Where is the money?" and the man again replied in sign language. "What did he say this time?", asked Mr. Big.

"He said 'Fuck You' again". With that, Mr. Big got very upset and told her to tell him, "If he doesn't tell me where my money is, I'll cut off his head and throw him in the river!"

She told this to the man and this time he answered, "It's under the front seat of my car", again in sign language. "Well ", asked Mr. Big," What did he say this time?".

She replied " He said 'Fuck You!'"

Sewage, Oh no

When a man attempted to siphon gasoline from a motor home parked on a Seattle street, he got much more than he bargained for.  Police arrived at the scene to find an ill man curled up next to a motor home near spilled sewage.  A police spokesman said that the man admitted to trying to steal gasoline and plugged his hose into the motor home's sewage tank by mistake.  The owner of the vehicle declined to press charges, saying that it was the best laugh he'd ever had.

Bad Bribe

Shultz, a lawyer, bribed a man on the jury to hold out for a charge of manslaughter, as opposed to the charge of murder which was brought by the prosecution. The jury was out for nearly a week before they returned to court with the manslaughter verdict. When Shultz paid the juror, he asked him if it had been hard to persuade the other jurors to get the charge of manslaughter. "Sure did," the juror replied, "all the others wanted to acquit him!"