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The best jokes and joke writers!

The Bus Vomit Incident

On a cross-country bus trip, Mrs. Davis became extremely queasy due to motion sickness. She made her way to the restroom, only to find it locked. She went back to her seat, laid her head back and tried to fight off the nausea. Unsuccessfully, she rolled her head to the right and threw up on the lap of a man who was dozing and who was therefore unaware of what had happened. When the fellow awoke, he was shocked to find himself covered in vomit. Turning to him, Mrs.Davis said, "There now, are you feeling better?"

Who Drove The Bus

The following is supposedly a true story. To be included, besides being true, the story is most likely strange, weird, surprising, or funny.

In June a replacement bus driver hired by Greyhound during the drivers' strike met the bus he was to drive from Delaware to New York City. However, a passenger on the bus wound up driving to New York because the substitute driver could not drive a stick shift.

Buns and Puns!

One Monday morning, Grover picked up the kids along a new bus route. At the first stop, he picked up a fat little girl. Grover asked, "What's your name?" "Patty" she replied. She had a seat in the back of the bus. On the next stop there was a handicapped boy named Ross. All the kids called him "Special Ross." Then a young man named Lester Cheese loaded onto the bus, sat down, took off his shoes and began picking at his bunions. Finally the last stop came up, and another chubby little girl got on. Grover had never met her, so he asked her what her name was. It was also Patty. On the way to school, Grover looked in his mirror and began to laugh, He was thinking..."Dang, I have two obese Patty's, Special Ross, Lester Cheese picking bunions, on a Sesame Street bus!"